D Day 40’s Show
The show is set in 1939 in the heart of wartime Britain. Featuring “The D Day Girls” A vocal harmony trio of the era and “Mr John Adams” an actor / director and soldier of war.
The story begins as we hear the declaration of war speech on the wireless and the darlings say goodbye to their life long friend John as he packs up his troubles and goes to fight for his country. Before John goes he see’s an advertisement in the times newspaper from ENSA (The agency providing entertainment to the troops in WW2) and he promises the darlings he will write to ENSA and tell them all about the wonderful D Day Girls, could this be their big break?
The show is set in 1939 in the heart of wartime Britain. Featuring “The D Day Girls” A vocal harmony trio of the era and “Mr John Adams” an actor / director and soldier of war.
The story begins as we hear the declaration of war speech on the wireless and the darlings say goodbye to their life long friend John as he packs up his troubles and goes to fight for his country. Before John goes he see’s an advertisement in the times newspaper from ENSA (The agency providing entertainment to the troops in WW2) and he promises the darlings he will write to ENSA and tell them all about the wonderful D Day Girls, could this be their big break?
As the story unfolds we see the girls at home working hard to keep the spirits of the nation bright with their songs and supporting the homeland. John returns from the army with the news the girls have been waiting for, a request for them to perform in “The greatest show on earth” for our forces around the world.
The story is pieced together with a plethora of the most popular and beautiful music of the 1940’s wartime era, featuring songs by: Vera Lynn, Gracie Fields, Bing Crosby, The Andrew Sisters, Frank Sinatra and more. With a series of authentic costume changes to add the authentic 40’s glamour and a dazzling backdrop of original film footage from the era, the show brings the spirit of wartime Britain alive and brings back fond memories for all.